Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Piano Ornament For Fish

speaks for itself, luckily the 118 has nothing to do


Forlanini, the department
150 desperate ghost living in the trash

The discovery of the structure two days before the visit of Napolitano. Among the Roman occupying less than 15 years, ran away from home. Immigrants have lived for two months in hospital wards abandoned in a state of absolute degradation. Were discovered on 28 February, two days before the visit of Giorgio Napolitano, who was to inaugurate the department for patients in vegetative state

MAURO Favale litters from submerged waste, mattresses thrown on the ground, whole rooms used as a dumping ground, and a waiting room with a carpet of pizza boxes, plastic bottles, paper, handkerchiefs, bags destroyed. Two entire sections of the San Camillo-Forlanini, excellent health Lazio, abandoned for three years and turned into a shelter for homeless people. A residence of despair, permanently occupied by about 150 immigrants. All this until about three weeks ago when, during the visit of President Giorgio Napolitano at the inauguration of the new department to patients in a vegetative state, during an inspection tour by the Secretary General of the Region of Lazio, was discovered a situation that went on months. For much less, only a fortnight, among the guests of the Afghan National, Iraq, from the Maghreb but also from European Union countries, there was a young Roman of 15 years, fled in mid-February from a family home . They found that the police have carried out the first operation, identifying about 120 people. Then, later, counting the pallets of luck in the structure, it was increased to 150 the number of occupants.

The girl, who was in the company of a young Egyptian, has been traced back to the family house from which he escaped. Other immigrants, however, moved in empty wards (But cleaner) to allow collecting an enormous amount of garbage in which they lived. No eviction for now, it appears to the Lazio region which received the signal from the neo worried Special Commissioner of the San Camillo-Forlanini, Aldo Morrone. The first information on the two departments are busy start to bounce between the leadership of the hospital and the region on February 28, just two days before the arrival of Napolitano. The choice, therefore, to proceed in silence and feeling quaestor prefect. Then, three days after the visit, the two departments have been cleaned up by pounds and pounds, pounds of waste.

A true ecological bomb in a deserted hospital (In a room, a calendar is torn sheet, "October 2007") but still has running water, electricity and heating. Two departments within the first building you see on the left, coming to the via Forlanini Portuense. A framework for half cordoned off and whose door is locked with a chain. The occupants were able to enter climbing over a side window. Outside the peeling walls and shutters tightly closed. Inside, huge patches of damp. A place used for months and months for sleeping and eating. A lot of the waste found in rooms where the signs still stood out for patients who have been resident when the facility was operating: "Notice to users. The answers of the exams retire at the central building levies. "This on the walls. On the ground, instead of food, boxes of eggs, milk, bottles, fruit juice, spices. In the kitchen, an emblem of the Red Cross and then pans stacked two chairs to hold a bed tray for a doctor, used as a table to eat. These are the desperate scenes of daily life that have found themselves before the police intervened on March 1 at the Forlanini.
Some rooms had been customized and adorned with ethnic decorations on the walls. Someone had also bought a mirror. Old Televisions were found near some mattresses stacked side by side in what had become Bedrooms private letters. Not only couches, though. One room was used as a "survey" on an old desk was placed a computer, a dictionary of Italian, some magazines, a book of Italian cuisine. And then, another surprise for the administration of Forlanini: in the 80 beds were new and unused. A hidden treasure for those departments that need a higher number of beds. The occupants preferred to use only the mattress thrown on the ground. When found by police, many had documents with them. It was easy to identify them. About a third (some managed to escape during the first visit), are of Afghan nationality. A dozen from Iraq. Others were community. Now waiting to be evacuated from the hospital in which they remained hidden for months. While we wonder why anyone (including managers, doctors, nurses and varied) have ever seen or heard anything of the ghost department. Perhaps the courts will give an answer to this question.

PHOTOS degradation


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