Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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Shift work damages the genetic activity

ROME - A study by two universities, Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet zu Kiel in Germany and Odense University in Denmark, states that the night work may cause more serious damage than we expected so far.
In particular, the alterations of the circadian rhythm, leading to night workers to reverse night and day, cause metabolic disorders and may have consequences on genetic activity. The internal clock
of night workers is unregulated and this may cause unrest posono become hereditary.

gene activity is regulated by small switches in the DNA that adapt to environmental changes favoring adaptive changes that can be transmitted to future generations. Disorders experienced by people working at night may enroll in a variety of DNA metabolic disorders that can cause long-term illnesses, including mental, and that can lead to incapacity for work.
Until a few generations ago people al'alba rose and went to bed at sunset. In keeping with that our bodies have evolved over millennia to develop a sophisticated system of monitoring sleep-wake that allows the body to regenerate properly.

In recent decades, our lifestyle has changed drastically and working hours longer correspond with the duration of the day ruled by the sun. The new organization of work requires that many people adapt to shift work and who are exposed to a higher incidence of the evils of this age including burn out syndrome and premature disability.
To understand the changes that this type of work and lifestyle involved, the research examined pairs of twins, one of which was subjected to shift work and the other not.
In this way we could see what changes have occurred in the genetic heritage of one and instead did not intervene in the other. To perform these studies in Denmark have a national registry for many years and member of the collection of data on the medical and professional regarding the twins.

The quality of sleep of night workers and Food has an important impact in causing metabolic disorders. The twins taken into account have also been studied in this respect, measuring time and quality of sleep and by measuring hormone levels in the blood of different subjects. In particular, there was significant difference in levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, for those who work in shifts.
E 'should, on the basis of these new studies, further precautions are taken to protect the health of workers required to work at night. The ERDF, the European Fund for Regional Development, has allocated € 730,000 to fund research.


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