Sunday, February 6, 2011

Intraocular Lens And Longevity


Bocca di Magra, February 6, 2011

Dear lord.

Given that his interest, prompted by our request of 5 May 2010 concerning the transparency legislation rejected by the municipalities of Sarzana and Ameglia, has actually produced results for the site of Municipal Sarzana. I would point out that unfortunately the same result of allowing transparency and communication has not been achieved with the municipal administration of Ameglia. The municipal website

fact continues to be overlooked so as not to include any Officer 'document. Urban development, nor any act of Government or Council and a Roll praetorian absolutely incomprehensible and devoid of any document or right to publish.

This information is essential for citizens were convinced that its further authoritative action can and should remedy this, unfortunately, repeated and deliberate lack of transparency.

With best regards.

Dr. Gian Piero Fish

Pres Committee citizen of Bocca di Magra